The kids and I have not been feeling to well--None of us feel the same thought. Thurs night around 11:45 I woke up not feeling well--I will spare you the details...I think I ate once yesterday and am working back up to more today--Now I just have a headache.
Friday when I picked up the kids from daycare, Emily was sleeping--Big red flag there. She was all achy and said her head hurt. Logan seemed warm, but he had been taking a nap and he always seems warm when he gets up. We got home and I gave Em some Tylenol and Logan a bottle-after he fell asleep Em asked me to rub her back. Then she took a shower and said she felt better. Logan was so cranky that I let him go to bed a little after 7:00. He was up at 11:15 and he had a fever of 101.6.....I gave him some Tylenol and fed him and back to bed he went....Then he was up again at 4:30....His fever then was 100.8 and he would not let me put him back down, so we slept in the recliner until 6:00. His fever is gone, but he is still quite the cranky boy. What a fun start to a vacation week!!