Sunday, February 25, 2007

New Do

Emily went with Kyle the other night when he went to get his hair cut. Emily had been talking about how she wants to grow out her bangs, so I didn't expect her to get any of her hair cut. Imagine my surprise when she came home. She said "Mom we cut off 3 gallons"

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Emily got yet another cold (fourth one in four months) over the weekend. We went to the Dr on Tuesday and guess what? Influenza B.
Is it just me or are there a lot more viruses this year than ever. She has been sick more this year than all other years combined.

Des Moines

Emily and I ventured to see Sophia (Lynnette and Kevin too). Actually Emily really wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. On Saturday we started out in some light snow, the roads weren't bad considering the snowfall overnight Friday night. It must have been slippery Friday because when we got on the Interstate we counted 54 cars in the ditches.

Saturday and Sunday we did some shopping. Saturday night we played LIFE and guess who won?? EMILY!! Sunday Emily helped Uncle Kevin paint his office. Then on Monday (no School) we went to Chuck E Cheese and then came home.

Sophia is getting so big and smart. Emily enjoyed playing with and chasing after her.
Thanks Sophia, Auntie Net, and Uncle Kevin

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Emily lost her first tooth!

Tuesday night Emily and Kyle went over to G-Grandpa Chet's and checked out the pliers (tweezers). I didn't actually think that she would let him do anything, but came home with her tooth in an envelope. "It didn't hurt at all" she said. The new one is already on it's way in.

The Flu

I made it through the flu again. This time it wasn't quite as bad as when I had it right after Christmas. I have to say it is BAD STUFF! I was only sick for about 36 hours, but then it took me just as long to get back to my usual self. I do have to say that I am pretty pleased that Kyle found the oven and the dishwasher on Sunday all by himself--I think Emily helped with supper and the clean up. Great Job you two!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

But we don't have a tail!

After Emily mopped the Kitchen floor, I was wiping up the excess water, and Emily was sliding across the wet floor and slipped. She commented "that was fun". I told her to be careful or she might break her tail bone. She kind of looked puzzled and then asked, "Where is my tail bone". I showed her, then she replied, "but we don't have a tail".

Side note, why isn't it as fun for Emily to clean her own room as it is the rest of the house.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Boxelder Bugs

Does anyone know how to get rid of Boxelder Bugs? We sprayed and they went away, now they are back. HELP!


Last night Emily came to me and asked me to fix a sock that had a hole in it. It was right before bed and I said we could do it tomorrow after school (there was only a half a day of school today). When she got home, she brought me the needle to thread. I threaded it and tied a knot at the end. She went into the other room and a short time later came back. I asked her about her sock and she showed me where she had fixed it herself. She actually did a pretty good job, it would be almost perfect if she would have put the sock inside out first. I asked her who taught her to sew and she said 'No one, I taught myself'. I wonder........

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

First Loose Tooth

Actually Emily has two loose teeth (bottom middle ones), but one is really loose. For weeks she has been coming to me and having me wiggle them every day. Last night Kyle was telling her how Grandpa Chet use to pull his teeth out with pliers. She thought about it for a little, then said she wanted to try that. So I think they are planning a trip to Grandpa Chet's to check out the pliers. I think she will chicken out, but we'll have to wait and see.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

I'm Hungry

I can't believe how much Emily eats! It seems like every other hour she comes to me and says "I'm Hungry". She must be going through another growth spurt or something....Funny thing is she weighs the same as she did on her last birthday.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Being Sick is BORING

I received a call from school again yesterday, Emily had a fever of 102 and had a headache. She was sent home sick last Friday with a temp and headache, we doctored her all last weekend and she was feeling better-For a couple of days at least. So last week she missed Jr Cheerleading at the Basketball game and today she missed preforming in the Fine Arts Program--We were both disappointed. Anyway, after playing multiple games of Candy Land, UNO, Go Fish, and reading books Emily stated being sick is BBOORRIINNGG!!! I think she is ready to hang out with her dad for a while. We did go to the Doctors office and it's just a virus thats going around.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Deer Meat

Kyle went deer hunting for the first time in December and shot his deer. I picked up the meat from the Locker on Monday and tried it for the first time last night....It was mixed half ground beef and half deer meat. I did not like it. I do like the jerky, but not the ground meat. I think I am going to try and mix half a pound of that with half a pound of ground beef and then maybe it won't be so bad--only 25% deer meat. I have to do something, we have 25 pounds to eat!