Sunday, April 27, 2008


I know I haven't posted for a couple of weeks--We've been busy. I couldn't believe it when I realized that it was Sunday already. Anyway, last weekend we ventured to see Sophia and Derek. Grandma and Grandpa rode along too and they went to Doug and Cindy's house. They were all good travelers. I am very glad Grandma was able to feed Logan a bottle both ways. Emily, Sophia, Logan, Lynnette and I went to Chuck E Cheese on Saturday and the girls had a blast. Sunday Lynnette, Logan and I made a quick trip to Target, otherwise we just hung out.

This past week Em has been in trouble in school again. I don't know what you have to do to get kicked out of Music class, but my kid did it. I have cancelled her birthday party with her friend, but Kyle thinks that is to mean.....I've given her many many second chances and this was the final straw....SHE IS GROUNDED!!!!

Logan rolled from his back to his tummy on Friday for the first time and I started giving him a little cereal at night. Sometimes he takes it and sometimes not. I just like to watch his face when I put it in his mouth. He also had his first overnight away from me. Em and Logan went and stayed at Aunt Christie's Friday night--I did finally get some sleep.

One more thing - racing started Wed night. Kyle ended up 8th place, while he said he couldn't complain (new car and everything) he still had to change motors Friday night.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

He's growing so fast

I don't know if it was what he was wearing, but when I came home from work today, Logan was laying on the floor and it hit me that he is not a tiny baby anymore. He looked so big.

Last weekend Logan rolled over from his tummy to his back. Of coarse since then he has forgotten how to do it, but Kyle helps him work on it every night. He loves to sit in his walker and play--and if he doesn't have any socks on, he can go backwards. Maybe it's time I find a gate for the top of the stairs!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

4 Month Check Up

Logan had his 4 month check up on Wed. He is 14 lbs 10 oz and 25 3/4 inches long. He is healthy and growing. Of coarse he had shots, he only cried when they were injecting them, but was so cranky the rest of the night. He went to bed at 7:30 and then was up at 9:20, so I figured I was in for a long night, but he downed a bottle and slept the rest of the night. However, tonight he was up at 1 and 3:45--That would be why I am blogging at 4:45 this morning.

Emily had to get her height and weight taken while we were there too, she is 59 1/2 lbs and 49 inches. (Yeah, she is tall enough to go down the slides at the pool this year!)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We are loosing hair!

Not that you can really tell, but Logan is loosing hair on the top left side (where his part is) and in the back on the right side (where he lays)...but it is growing back in pretty fast. I did have to give him his 2nd hair trim last night. Anyone ever try and give a 4 month old a hair cut??? They are pretty squirmy.

Girl Scout Overnight

Em had a PJ party last Friday night 8pm to 8am. I knew when I picked her up she would be taking a nap on Saturday--she looked so tired. I didn't expect her to fall asleep before 9am, but when she did I figured she would be up in a few hours. Finally at 1:00 I decided to ask her if she was going to get up. She said one more hour. I went in again at 2:15 and she still didn't want to get up. Then her friend came over and I told her to go ahead and get her up.....She did sleep all night then I was surprised....I suppose this is the first of many slumber parties.