Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Spent today scrapbooking with Karissa. I got Logan's all caught up--yeah!! Next is Emily's -I haven't done anything with since Logan was born...I have tons of pictures printed-they need to be organized and then scrapbooked. That will be fun :o)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

?Potty Training?

I tried to get Logan to wear pull ups or underwear last week...He didn't want anything to do with them. The were on, he thought about it for a sec, and they were off again. He has been telling me he has to pee, but his diaper is usually wet in between too. Guess we are not ready yet.....Oh well!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Emily as President

Emily was President Andrew Johnson in the class presentation of Presidents. I made sure I charged my camera battery, but didn't realize my memory card was about full (actually when I downloaded these pictures I noticed that a little boy got a hold of my camera and took a pictures and videos of his own). Therefore I only got the very beginning of her speech-She did a very good job--even thru someones cell phone ringing and my camera beeping that it was full. On th video below you need to turn up your volume, because she had a scratchy throat.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hangin' out with Devin

Found some sunglasses at the bottom of the toybox
Puzzle time
Watching Dora