Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Once we finally got out of our driveway and were able to get into Kamphoff's driveway we had a wonderful Robinson/Specht Christmas's today

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cookie Time

Emily and I baked Christmas Cookies after school today. We made four kinds-Sugar, Choc Stars, Peanut butter and No-Bake. The Choc Stars and the Peanut butter ones are AWESOME..The other two I haven't tried yet. We each had to burn ourselves once, me on the finger and Em on her arm-oh she said twice on her arm. No promises that there will be any left on Christmas-but we'll try.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


He finally said it -->"Luv you"...we have been trying and trying to get Logan to say luv you since he started forming words. He copies us and we try and sneak it in, but he would never say it. Yesterday I was sitting here and he came in and I got a great big "LUV YOU". Of coarse he won't say it when asked, but at least I know he knows how to say it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Naturally Slim

I started on the Naturally Slim program on 9/20/09....It's a 10 week program that our insurance program was looking into. I was lucky enough to be chosen for the 2nd pilot group. I am so happy!!! ... I have lost 28 lbs and 19.25 inches. If anyone ever gets the chance to participate in this program-I highly recommend it :o) It's not what you eat, but how and when.

He's Talking Now

Even though I do not understand him most of the time and a lot of words sound the same, I am doing pretty good with "Logan Language". My favorite words are: vacky (vacuum), shoser (shower), and sorsey (sorry). Last weeks word of the week was help. He copies everything we say--so someone has to clean up his langage a little. He is quite the little talker.