Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Logan's new tricks

One night after supper, I asked Logan to pick up all his food he had thrown on the floor and put it into the trash can. He thought that was pretty cool. He loves to throw things away. I also started asking him to put his dirty clothes in his hamper in his room. So far I have only found 1 sock in the garbage and 1 diaper in the hamper--which I guess is a good thing to check before I empty the hamper into the washer.

Only a few weeks ago-he wanted nothing to do with his shoes. I think it was Sunday he brought them to me and now wants them on ALL THE TIME!! It's probably a good thing since summer will be coming soon and I want him to wear shoes outside.

Logan has also started climbing on everything-Like the coffee tables, and the kitchen chairs, then up on the table. He is fearless.

I forgot to blog after his 15 month shots last week--He is still the little guy-only 21 1/2 lbs.

1 comment:

Karissa Fassler said...

After seeing how much Logan weighed mom wanted to see about Devin. He is 24.8lb.! It's only a few more pounds more, but when you pick them up it seems as if there is so much more of a difference. Also Logan is a couple of inches taller... and therefore much skinnier then Devin!